Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Eternal Double Standard

I find it amusing, disturbing, disgusting, unsettling....and on and on, that there are a number of women who lie to their spouses about where they are. Granted, most of the time where they are is innocent enough (today I overheard a woman telling her friend that there was too much work to be done at home so she was going to go to her sister's house and tell her husband she was still at work), but in all any lie really innocent?

As a woman, I can tell you that when I man lies to me, it is very hard to get that trust back. If it is a small lie, I wonder "well, if you're going to lie to me over something so stupid, what important things are you lying to me about?" and if it is a big lie, I think "wow, I am not important or loved enough for you to just tell me the freaking truth?"

It causes deep, nearly irrepairable rifts in relationships.

Also, I constantly hear from women that they agree with me, they hate when men lie to them, they never trust them again or find it hard to trust them again after they lie to them, etc. etc. So why is it okay for women to lie to their men?

If my husband told me that he was at work and I found out he was at his brother's house, the problem would NOT be that he was at his brother's house, the problem would be that he had lied to me about where he was, and I would find it difficult to let him go to work without following him to see where he is really going, etc. etc.

So ladies, yes, we would like a guy who is honest, but be honest yourself as well. It works both ways, just like everything else in relationships.