Monday, February 7, 2011

The Juxtaposition of Pain and the Paradox of Understanding

He's been hurt in the past. He's been cheated on. He has been in relationships where everything is an accusation.

I've been hurt in the past. I've been lied to. About a lot of things. About stupid things and important things, big things and small things.

So...add that up. He's been accused of everything under the sun, I've been given reason not to trust. Factor in that he has a lying problem where he white lies about the smallest things, and I have an anger problem where I blow up about the smallest things....

We are trying. We love each other and we want to be together forever and we're trying not to to drive each other crazy by taking out our past on each other. But how does one forget what has happened in the past, when those events left you heartbroken alone in the darkness of not understanding the whys? When these two respective pasts collide in the worst way possible?

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