Friday, February 5, 2010

Do You Tell Your Man You've Been Hit On?

It's been my experience that telling your boyfriend/husband that another man has hit on you is okay in the beginning of the relationship, but that down the road it can cause problems. If you and your man have been together for a while, if there is any part of his mind that believes that you are bored with the relationship, or if he is insecure, then telling him about how the new guy at work hit on you or that you had a five minute conversation with a random stranger while waiting in the grocery line may not be the best policy. This could lead to a plethora of problems.

If your boyfriend believes that you believe that you're too good for him or that you could do better, and he has it in his head that you are just waiting for something better to come along before you flee the scene, then he might take it upon himself to do the deed first. Or, if you're in an argument and he feels like throwing things in your face, he might just tell you to move in with one of your admirers.

However, according to my survey, most guys "say," notice the quotation marks, that another guy hitting on their girl can be an ego boost to both of them, as long as the girl doesn't take too much stock in the flirtation. So with this particular situation, you really have to judge your man's character and self-esteem before you decide that telling him every detail of your life is the best thing for your relationship. Of course, if you're telling him to make him jealous because you feel that he does not appreciate you, that is a whole different ballgame in which the players have other problems, spoken of or not, which need to be addressed before continuing in the relationship.

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