Saturday, February 6, 2010


This is probably only part of the financial situation, but this deals mainly with who is working and handling the finances.

Once again, I did a poll of guys and asked them six questions.

1. Who works - you, your girl, or both?
***I got a variety of answers on this. Mostly, both worked, but I did get a few where the woman worked, some because the guy was disabled, and a few where neither of them worked.
2. If given the opportunity, would you support her and tell her to quit her job if she wanted?
***Every guy said yes to this.
3. Would you rather she work & you stay home?
***I did not get a single yes to this, but I did get one that stayed home by force, not by choice, who wished it wasn't like this.
4. Would it/does it bother you if she made/makes more money?
***I did not get a single yes on this, either. Most guys just said no, but one guy did go into detail about how competition in the relationship led to pain and hardship.
5. Would you want to be in charge of finances or would you rather she do it?
***I got an equal amount of 3 answers: both should be in charge, it doesn't matter, and she should be in charge.
6. Do you think men or women spend money more frivolously?
***All guys said that guys spend money more frivolously, with the exception of one, who said both men and women spent too much money on indulgences. I loved one guy's answer: guys have more expensive toys.

So there it is. According to this particular survey, it looks like certain old fashionries aren't dead, like...the guy wanting to support the girl. :)

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