Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Does Your Man Work Hard?

Well, I've been talking to some guys, from various places, various walks of life, backgrounds. One works as a manager for a fast food restaurant, putting in too many hours for his salary to be decent, but he does it for his kids. Another man works on houses, buys them, fixes them up, and sells them. He is ex-military. Another is in the military, and has spent a lot of time overseas.

These men put in a lot of hours to put food on the table, and two out of three said their ex-girlfriends/wives did not work. These men did not get off of work and go out to bars with their buddies or haunt local strip joints or disappear without a trace. They went to work. They came home. Maybe they didn't have a lot of time to spend at home, but it wasn't for lack of love for their women, or any misdeeds.

And they were cheated on. More than once. Sometimes by different girls, sometimes by the same girl multiple times. When they asked for the reason, it was always the same.

"You're never home, you're always at work."

What? I'm sorry. A woman should be so lucky to have a hardworking, honest, faithful man. Okay, so he's not home all the time, but that's not a reason to go out and cheat on someone. If you think you're lonely now, how do you think you're going to feel when this decent man is gone because you couldn't keep your legs closed, and the guy you cheated on him with is on to the next easy thing?

Appreciate what you have, because if you don't, you're going to lose it.

If your man is one of these work-to-death guys, appreciate him for what he is, and be grateful for everything that he is not.

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